Publish With Us

We welcome proposals for new books and invite authors to contact us with their ideas.

With over 25 years experience of the publishing industry we have the knowledge and the ability, as well as a friendly and personal service, to offer our authors a reliable journey to publication.

If you're considering contacting us with a book proposal please complete and return the appropriate proposal form:

Before submitting a proposal, please ensure that your idea is appropriate to our publishing programme of: Education, History, Politics, Scandinavian Studies and Medieval Literature.


1. The Proposed Book

1.1 Proposed Title (Please select a title which clearly explains the subject of the book and, if possible, the market / level. Ideally keep it short and simple and try to avoid sub-titles):

1.2 Author(s)/editor(s) (Give your name as you would like it to appear on the book (our usual policy is first name, surname no titles). If there is more than one author please list the order in which you would like to appear:  

1.3 Proposed length of book (i.e. the word count):

1.4 Proposed delivery date of manuscript (month & year):

      2. Description of Proposed Book

      2.1 Why is it needed?

      2.2 Explain in a couple of paragraphs what it will cover

      2.4 What will be its key appeal?

      2.5 Are there any external factors (new legislation, standards, courses, modules etc) which make the publication of this book particularly relevant now?

      2.6 Please summarise the book in one sentence.

      2.7 Please describe the most important aspects of your book and explain why it is unique in no more than four short selling points.

      2.8 Please list the chapter headings (Keep headings short and concise. Think carefully about the order):

      2.9 Please provide a short paragraph outlining the content of each chapter and provide a rough word count per chapter.

      2.10 When could you deliver a sample chapter? (We usually ask to see a sample chapter before signing a contract)

      2.11 We like to keep our books up to date. Would you be happy to update your book approximately every two to three years?

      2.12 Would you need to include illustrations? YES/NO

      2.13 If yes, how will they enhance the text? How many might you need? (please provide details below)

             Simple line drawings, charts and graphs:

             Photographs (remember these will be black and white):

             Artist-drawn illustrations:

             Permissions (lengthy text extracts):

      3. The Market

      3.1 Who would buy your book? (i.e. undergraduates, post-graduates, academics)

      3.2 Which qualification or course is your book particularly relevant for? (Provide course names and levels)

      3.3 How large is the market for this book? Please identify a selection of key institutions where this discipline is taught/researched (also how many students study on these courses)?



                  Other territories if relevant (Asia, Australia, Middle East etc):

      3.4 Is there a particular module/unit that the book is relevant for? Are there alternative names for this?

      3.5 What are the main competing titles?

      3.6 What makes your book different and better?

      3.7 Please list any key contacts / experts who could assess (provide a peer review for) this proposal

      4. Marketing

      4.1 Which lecturers/academics would be able to help promote your book?

      4.2 Which academic associations, learned societies or other organisations would be interested in your book?

      4.3   Which are the key academic journals in this field of study? (name of journal and publisher)

      4.4   Please name other publications that would be likely to feature and / or review the book.

      5. Author Information (Provide full contact details for each author and indicate who will be the lead author)

      5.1 Name:

      5.2 Date/place of birth:

      5.3 Preferred contact address:

      5.4 Preferred phone/fax/e-mail information:

      5.5 Present and former posts:

      5.6 Professional and other honours:

      5.7 Colleges, degrees etc.:

      5.8 Books published:           




      Approx. sales

      5.9 Involvement (current or previous) in other book series or academic journals:

      5.10 Do you teach on the course for which this book is written?

      5.11 Biographical sketch (This will be published on the back cover of the book and should include details of your current post and any particularly relevant experience - about 100 words please)